Brain Health and Safety

Bicycle Rodeo is a signature program of the Pilot Club of Quitman. It was introduced in 2001 in Wood County. Traditionally, it is offered to first grade students in three of our area schools: Alba-Golden ISD, Quitman ISD and Yantis ISD. Students are instructed on bicycle safety by First Responders and Pilot volunteers and then fitted with bicycle helmets that are theirs to keep. Once helmeted and educated, the children are provided a bike to ride an obstacle course that reinforces the lessons they just learned.

Brain Minders is a signature program of Pilot International that was developed in 2001 that includes both educational and entertaining curriculum that covers a broad spectrum of brain health topics and safety tips. The material includes a puppet show for elementary aged children that is engaging while reinforcing the importance of brain safety, anti-bullying, and other safety lessons. The program emphasizes many aspects of brain health led by Wise Old Owl and appearances by Gerald Giraffe, Diego Dalmatian, Martin Monkey, Fiona Fox and many others. Pilot Club of Quitman offers this program annually to area students through school appearances and/or public programs.

Educational Programs The Pilot Club of Quitman sponsors beneficial programs in area schools that teach powerful life lessons. An example of those is a presentation called “When Sean Speaks” presented by Sean Carter and Jenny Carter, his mother. They have a powerful message about the dangers of mixing alcohol with driving and the resultant consequences. They have been presenting Sean’s impactful story nation-wide since 2007, and it is unforgettable.

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Seminars are presented by the club and are free and open to the public and aimed at providing helpful information and resources to caregivers of those with brain related disorders such as Alzheimer’s/Dementia.The seminars include expert speakers who present information on diagnostics, testing, communications techniques and caregiver resources.