Supporting Youth

Anchor Club is an international youth service organization with hundreds of clubs around the world. Quitman Pilot Club sponsors one such club at Quitman High School. Anchor Club gives these students the opportunity to give back and serve both the local and global communities. Anchors assist the Quitman Pilot Club with their projects and events, and also organize their own projects and fundraisers. Our Anchors routinely bring joy to those in nursing homes, help with Special Olympics, serve at Traumatic Brain Injury Camp, and perform many other acts of kindness.

Scholarships are annually awarded to area high school seniors at Alba-Golden, Quitman and Yantis ISDs by our club. Amounts range each year, depending on fundraising, the budget, and the number of applicants, but there is support available for both college and vocational track students. Applications are available at the schools each Spring. In 2022, the club awarded $15,000 in scholarships to 13 2022 graduating Seniors.

Special Olympics Track and Field Meet is sponsored and hosted by the Quitman Pilot Club annually when possible. It is a Special Olympics sanctioned regional event where athletes can qualify for higher level Special Olympics events. During the pandemic the meets could not be held, so the club made contributions to special education programs within various local schools. The club anticipates a return to in-person meets when approved and in alignment with the Special Olympics community.

Signature Projects The Quitman Pilot Club is committed to improving the communities we live in, and does that through donations of equipment and supplies for nursing homes, volunteer fire departments, public playgrounds and many others. A good example of that is the purchase and installation of inclusive playground equipment in Jim Hogg Park in Quitman. Attractive and intellectually and physically stimulating, each play instrument can be accessed and enjoyed by a person of any ability and any age. While fun, these playground grade instruments enhance user motor skills and allow a diverse group of people to be able to socially engage with one another while making music and joy.